Can you spare two hours to help others in our community?
Here's your opportunity to make a difference - Register to Volunteer

Welcome to our volunteer registration website!

Please share an hour, and afternoon, or even a day to help The Salvation Army. If you can, we'd love to have you work with us to extend a helping hand for families and individuals in need. Please browse our site for volunteer opportunites and check back with us often.

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

Many people are often surprised at just how many opportunities exist for volunteering! We count on the support of many generous individuals who are willing to share an hour, or a day, or even more out of their busy lives to extend their support.

  • Angel Tree Registration

    24 Volunteer Opportunities Available!

    Join The Salvation Army of Louisville at our Christmas Joy Center Registering Angels into the Angel Tree Program!

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  • Food Pantry Friday!

    2 Volunteer Opportunities Available!

    Help Fight Food Insecurity in our Community by Preparing Food Boxes at The Salvation Army's Food Pantry! Best for individuals, small, or medium volunteer groups.

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  • Red Kettle Cafe

    200 Volunteer Opportunities Available!

    Serve a Nutritious Meal to a Member of our Community for either Breakfast or Dinner! Ideal volunteer opportunity for individuals or small groups.

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